Raisinville Township

96 Ida Maybee Road, Monroe, MI 48161

News & Updates


There are new election laws being enacted as a result of Proposal #22-2. We will now have 9 days of Early Voting for all State and Federal Elections. 
Election Day will still be at your normal precincts between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact the Clerk's Office at (734) 269-2506 on Mondays or Thursdays or you may email raisinville.clerk@gmail.com


The next election for Raisinville Township is: TO BE DETERMINED 
Early Voting will be: to be determined

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The Building Department will be closed on Thursday February 13, 2025

The Planning Commission meeting scheduled for February 17, 2025
has been cancelled due to lack of agenda

Raisinville Township offices are open to the public
 Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
(Only the Building Department is open Monday-Friday: 8-10 am)

Please feel free to call the appropriate department for questions:

Clerk, Treasurer or Supervisor:  734-269-2506   
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

         Clerk- Monday & Thursdays
                   Treasurer- Tuesday & Thursdays   

Supervisor- Thursdays

Building Department: 734-269-3114 (Monday- Friday 8-10 am) 

Assessing: 734-269-3901 (Thursdays only 8-4)